Written by Filo Taituuga [Samoa Observer]
Monday, 18 May 2009 15:33
Hobie Cat Sailors certainly got good wind to blaze round the open waters at Mulinuu yesterday. Three Hobie cat crews launched from Apia Yacht club in the afternoon, taking full advantage of ideal wind conditions. Each crew lured gusts of wind to travel at blistering knots, manouvering across the water in fine form.
For the curious spectator watching with interest from the club house, it was certainly a spectacular sight to witness. Judging from the faces of sailors, the freedom, enjoyment and adrenalin rush of scathing the sea at high speed, tacking up and down a blanket of blue sea was the ultimate buzz. No wonder the sport of sailing locally has aroused much interest, it has all the drama, suspense, skill, nous, excitement and thrill all couped up in one sport.
It is certainly is a sport worth giving a crack outside ones comfort zone for sure, and would no doubt knock the wind out at you, even watching from the side.
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